It's been a long couple of weeks getting ready to take my show on the road but it was worth it. My nephew Jake and I left Friday afternoon for a delightful weekend away from Indy. It was nice to spend time with him and he was a big, big help and we always have fun together. Lord knows I couldn't have done it without him, so thanks, big guy!
The people running the Bead Mercantile show (Jane's Fiber and Beads) were very kind and helpful, as I had never done a traveling bead show, and all of the other vendors were just great. I think there must have been about 60 tables there. I got to meet Patti Cahill (thanks for the $1's!) and Mavis Smith (thanks for the "wing tips"!) two very well-known artists in the American lampwork bead movement, as well as some ladies from the Miami Valley Lampwork group. We were set up right next to the ladies selling beautiful ceramic Kazuri beads, and of course, I can't keep my hands off of anything made from clay!
The flow of customers was smooth and steady and we made back our booth fee, hotel and gas on the first day. We celebrated by having dinner at The Outback Steakhouse and going to see Star Trek and heading back to the hotel for a good night's sleep. On Sunday the crowd was a bit lighter because of a huge thunderstorm, but we were back in Indy by 6:30 and both dog tired!
I collected 30 names from customers who wanted to be on my mailing list. I mostly sold beads from my orphan bowl, which I thought was odd because my prices were extremely competitive on my better beads, but I'm thinking that usually, unless you have a drop dead gorgeous bead, people are looking for low investment items that they can put into their own projects and turn a profit, so I'm going change up my strategy a bit next time.
Overall, I would call this effort a success because I got to spend so much time with my Jakester, I met some great folks, I got out of the house and made some money, and picked up some ideas for how to make it easier and more profitable next time.
I'm cooking up some great ideas in my head, hopefully they'll turn out right at the torch! In the meantime, I've posted some new items on etsy and ebay so be sure to take a look!
I never made a show so ... I am always reading wiht great interest about other peoples show. Thanks dear Lori, so happy you had a great time and that it was worth the effort. The next time is always the better one :-) and meeting nice people brings so much joy in our life.
I purchased your large purple and silver lampwork bead from the orphan tray and a ceramic purple bead, both of which to display on my Bead Pen. They look great and people at work noticed it on my desk. I've received many compliments in the past two days. Some have said the bead looks like me, like it was something they would expect me to buy.
I don't sell the pens, but I thought I would tell you about them in case you wanted to display some beads on them. Some people who normally don't buy lampwork (like me) may want to buy some if they saw the pens, I don't know. The website is I received mine in a raffle or goody bag on from the Beady Friends Cruise I went on in 2008. I had a couple rivolis (Swarovski crystals) on my shopping list which I needed to fulfill orders. That is what took me to the show Sunday. However, my favorite purchase was the purple swirled lampwork bead.
Michael C. Huber
(pronounced Michelle)
Manuela, you are just the sweetest! I hope to meet you soon! Your work is always so inspiring to me, but your words always move me, too! Have a wonderful day, my friend!
Mikee, It was such a delight to meet you and work with you to find just the right beads for your pen! Yes, I will have to start carrying those to my shows. They are a lot of fun. Thank you so much for your comments and I hope to see you next year!
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